Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 3

We were supposed to have an orientation with Ms. Jayme (from who the Jayme in DM9JaymeSyfu came from) during our first day but she was in a shoot that day so the orientation was moved to today. I read about her in Adobo magazine and was really excited to meet her. She was what I thought she would be from the stuff I’ve read but the real thing was even better.

She talked about how she started DM9, what the name meant and what it is now. The slideshow she presented made me fall in love with advertising all over again. Its one thing to learn about advertising but to hear it from someone who has lived it and is currently living it is totally different. She even showed some of the agency’s works and some of her own and I was in awe when I found out that it was she who made one of my favorite commercials – “Kuya” for McDonalds. 

Ms. Merlee allowed us to choose which team we wanted to be on- creatives or accounts despite the prior grouping made. The people on the creative side remained however, the people in accounts opted to transfer. Anyone who knew me would have expected that I would be one of the first ones to grab the opportunity to transfer but surprisingly, I was one of the 2 people who decided to stay in accounts. Its not because I liked accounts because I was still decided I was meant for creatives but seeing that they were 8 in the creatives side, I thought I would get much more opportunities staying in accounts. 

I ended up with Karen as my accounts buddy and it was a blast having her around. It felt less lonely that it would’ve being just the two of us in such a big table in such a big corner of the room contrary to the tiny space allotted to the 8 in the other side. (I must note that accounts and creatives are in two different wings of the office so I and Karen can’t see what the others are doing. Isolation major)

Thus begins my internship journey.

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