Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 3

I told Sir Richie I couldn't come in on Monday since I had to get my class cards that day. I came in on Tuesday instead. I was given a new assignment this day since I was pretty much done with Project #1. This time, Project #2 was not just about one product, but four! I think my arrogance got the best of me (since I worked so effortlessly with the first one). Now, Sir Richie gave me a tougher project (testing my cockiness I suppose, haha).

I was pretty stuck for the first few hours (I think it has something to do with the type of products I was given to work with. Its true, in the real world you can't choose what you advertise. You have to be ready to work with whatever comes your way) but I tried my best to squeeze out any idea just so I wouldn't end the day empty. My efforts bore fruit... I got 3 out of 4 required done (although I felt they weren't as good as project #1).

I finally gathered enough courage to take a photo myself with my webcam. You might be thinking I'm making everything up (this is proof i'm really going to work!) There is a cubicle behind me so I had to take the photo pretty quickly or else it would be major emabrrassment if I get caught. In my hand (3rd photo), is one of the 4 products I'm working on. I made it blurry just in case its something confidential as well but if you can picture it out then good for you! :D

Sir Richie gave me until Friday to finish this project, by the way. There was no hurry to finish it but I think I just got used to the deadlines of school that I feel I should finish everything right away. In Copywriting class, we have a writing assignment every week which means I always have something to finish on a deadline. Add up my other classes and that would mean a whole lot of deadlines in a week. The best way to survive is to be able to work fast so you can get stuff on your to do list crossed out before everything piles up. So I think I brought this mentality to the OJT. It isn't bad at all, its actually working to my advantage since everyone is pretty shocked at how fast I work but...

... I think I'm just pulling more work my way! The faster I finish one project the faster a new project is given to me. Its fun though and I am just on my 3rd day. Before I know it, I've done 10 projects in my mere 100 hours at B2B (hopefully!)

I was given until Friday to finish the last of the four which I didn't finish this day. After I finish all 4 concepts, I'll move on to making mood boards for each one of 'em. Its seems like its going to be a busy week for me.

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